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7746 - Automeris io lileth
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Species Pages
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Egg cluster

Freshly emerged male
2nd instar larval cluster
General Species Information
Host Plant: Hosts in Keys include palms, grasses, Lignumvitae, Jamaican Dogwood
Historical Range: South Eastern USA
Our Experience with this Species: Io moths are very common and show up consistantly throughout the Keys and appear in all months of the year. Males appear at lights far more frequently than do females.
Notes: The male Io Moths of the Keys have a distinctly deeper orange color than do the males from the Florida mainland. Some concider this species a separate subspecies A. io lileth. Larvae of this species are covered with spines that have a very painful sting when touched. They should not be handled
Distribution Chart
K. Largo Marath. Ba. Hond B.P.K. No Name Sck. Isd. K. West
Colored box indicates adult of this species has been confirmed on that island
Adult Flight Chart
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Colored box indicates adult of this species has been confirmed in that month

Freshly emerged male

Final instar larva

Freshly emerged male

Freshly emerged female

A. io form lileth (male)

A. io form io (male)

A. io form lileth (female)

A. io form io (female)

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