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8272 - Empyreuma pugione,
Spotted Oleander Caterpillar Moth
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Final instar larva

Freshly emerged adult
Freshly emerged adult
General Species Information
Host Plant: Oleander - Host unknown in the Keys
Historical Range: South Florida and the Caribbean
Our Experience with this Species: This species is far more common on the Florida mainland than it is in the Keys. It is highly associated with ornamental oleander plants and can be a true pest as larvae will quickly defoliate large bushes
Notes: This species is diurnal but occasionally shows up at lights
Distribution Chart
K. Largo Marath. Ba. Hond B.P.K. No Name Sck. Isd. K. West
Colored box indicates adult of this species has been confirmed on that island
Adult Flight Chart
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Colored box indicates adult of this species has been confirmed in that month

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