Oligoria maculata, Twin-spot Skipper
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Adult male
Description: 15-19 mm. The identifying mark on this butterfly are the two white spots on the ventral hindwing that lie next to one another. This species is rather large for a skipper and is mat brown with a few other white spots.
Habitat and Distribution: This species has been found on various Keys from Key Largo to Big Pine Key. Populations are typically sparce but occasional population bursts are common. They can be abundant in mainland Florida and are found throughout the Southeast United States in various habitats
Host Plant: Grasses - specific host in the Keys is unknown
Natural History: This species can be found just about year around. Breeding colonies in most of the Keys is unlikely but has been consistent on Key Largo.Populations are typically sparce but occasional population bursts are common.

Adult female

Adult male
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Final Instar larva

Adult male

Adult male